Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I'm With Contreras!!

Janet Contreras wrote an open letter to our national leadership and it has gained a lot of attention especially from Patriots of the so-called “Right Wing”.

My brother, Ted, is a long-haul trucker and listens to a lot of talk radio to break the monotony of the miles and he heard Glen Beck read it on the air. Ted called me several times over the next couple of days to ask if I had heard it or looked it up on the net. Well, I was “too busy” but finally gave in and googled it.

Contreras is a citizen of Arizona who is fed up with the mess in Washington and wrote this letter to spell out her concerns to the leadership.

She said it very well!

You will find the text of her letter here:
http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/26742/ and if you agree with it as I did you will be glad to know it has been re-formatted as a Petition and signed by well over a hundred thousand citizens and is to be forwarded (as a petition) to Official Washington.

It is still (23 June 2009) online waiting for you here:

This is like finding another Palin! In fact I expect to see the two names linked somehow in the near future. Maybe Tea Party signs Palin-Contreras 2012 .

Considering that most folks in Washington already will have seen a copy of this – and the others will see the petition – I also believe we should make it one of the rallying cries and/or signs for the tea Parties and other conservative demonstrations – a simple sign (or bumper sticker) saying “I’m with Contreras!” would deliver the message in a nutshell!

Let’s do it!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Looking at Socialism

Socialism works. It works exactly as intended every time it is implemented. It always succeeds – it never fails!

I know about the argument that Socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried – but that argument is simply wrong.

It is really just a simple misunderstanding. We tend to look at it from the perspective of the promises we were made before it was implemented and that is the wrong way to go about it.

Think of it this way: A politician running for office will say anything his advisors tell him is necessary in order to get elected – he just piles on the promises – but, when he is elected and forgets all those promises do we say he “Failed”? No. He was elected and that was his only intention – all the rest of it was mere tactics.

Socialism is like that politician: it’s #1 purpose is not to make life better “for the masses” but it is to enable government to take control of everything of importance in the country; financial institutions, manufacturers, Pharmaceutical Companies, the Health Care Industry, etc.,

After The Government is thus centralized, the #2 purpose of Socialism is to consolidate all governmental power in the hands of just a relative few of “The Party Elite” who will run everything and reap all the rewards.

Socialism succeeds. It accomplishes the goals it actually set out to accomplish. Like the lying politician it breaks every promise it made to “We the People” but when it takes power the promises become meaningless.

Look at the countries you know of where Socialism has been implemented. What did it do for the people? What did it do for the party elite? Ask yourself: “Do we know what socialism looks like? What it sounds like? What it promises and what it actually delivers?” Do we know the history of those places that have tried it? Is that what we want for our children – is that the heritage we will pass on to them?

We have elected a Socialist as our President; a man apparently so mad with the lust for power and so drunk on the adulation of the crowds that he will do absolutely anything to keep the spotlight focused on him and to reward the party faithful with money and power.

Already he has appointed numerous “Czars” who will pass “Regulations” at his pleasure and those regulations will have the force of law without the constitutional requirement of being passed, or even reviewed, by congress. He and a few in Congress are determined to make the U.S. a Socialist Republic. They have taken the steps necessary to move us in that direction.

Socialism, unchecked, will destroy our country. His policies are pure Socialism.

Someone says: “But we don’t know for sure that he is a socialist: we should give him more time to succeed before passing judgment…” So – I ask again, “Do we know what Socialism looks like? What it sounds like? Do we know the promises it always makes and do we know for sure that it always breaks those promises? Do we know how it begins and what it leads to after that beginning?”

This is Socialism – beginning.

We want the President to succeed at being The President of The United States of America -- we don't want him (or anyone) to succeed at becoming The President of The Socialist Republic of America.

I am only one man. These are my thoughts. Thanks for listening – it is your turn now. What do you think?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

About this Blog

The name pretty well sums it up. I think we are, collectively, on the wrong path and I would like to discuss where we are going and what we might do to change courses.

Nothing to publish here yet but it will be ready soon.